10 Shocking Facts About Artificial Intelligence That Will Blow Your Mind

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present-day reality transforming industries, lifestyles, and the very fabric of society. While many are familiar with AI’s capabilities in general terms, there are numerous surprising aspects about this technology that remain lesser-known. Here are ten shocking facts about AI that will blow your mind.

1. AI Can Create Art

AI algorithms can create original pieces of art that rival those made by human artists. In 2018, an AI-generated artwork called “Portrait of Edmond de Belamy” sold for an astonishing $432,500 at Christie’s auction house. The AI, created by the Paris-based collective Obvious, used a type of machine learning called Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to produce the painting.

  1. DeepArt.io
    • Uses neural networks to turn photos into artworks inspired by famous artists like Van Gogh and Picasso.
    • DeepArt.io
  2. DeepDream
    • Developed by Google, this tool uses convolutional neural networks to enhance and modify images in surreal and dream-like ways.
    • DeepDream
  3. Artbreeder
    • Allows users to blend images using GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) to create new, unique artworks.
    • Artbreeder
  4. Runway ML
    • A platform for creative AI applications, including tools for generating art and animations.
    • Runway ML
  5. DALL-E 2 by OpenAI
    • Generates images from textual descriptions, creating art based on the user’s input.
    • DALL-E 2
  6. NightCafe Studio
    • Offers various AI art generators including style transfer, GAN art, and neural style art.
    • NightCafe Studio

2. AI Is Better at Diagnosing Some Diseases Than Doctors

AI systems have demonstrated superior accuracy in diagnosing certain medical conditions compared to human doctors. For instance, Google’s DeepMind developed an AI that can diagnose eye diseases as accurately as world-leading specialists. Moreover, studies have shown that AI can detect early signs of breast cancer from mammograms more accurately than radiologists.

Here is a list of AI tools and platforms that are designed to assist in diagnosing various diseases, spanning fields such as radiology, pathology, cardiology, and more:

Radiology and Medical Imaging

  1. Arterys
    • Provides AI-powered medical imaging solutions for radiology, including tools for cardiac MRI, lung imaging, and liver imaging.
    • Arterys
  2. Zebra Medical Vision
    • Uses machine learning algorithms to analyze medical imaging scans and detect conditions such as liver disease, breast cancer, and cardiovascular issues.
    • Zebra Medical Vision
  3. Aidoc
    • AI platform that analyzes medical images to help radiologists prioritize urgent cases and diagnose conditions like brain hemorrhages, strokes, and pulmonary embolisms.
    • Aidoc
  4. Viz.ai
    • Uses AI to identify and prioritize suspected large vessel occlusion strokes from CT scans to enable faster treatment.
    • Viz.ai


  1. PathAI
    • Develops AI-powered pathology tools to assist in diagnosing diseases by analyzing histopathology images, aiming to improve accuracy and efficiency.
    • PathAI
  2. Proscia
    • Uses AI to analyze digital pathology images, providing insights and assisting in diagnosing various cancers.
    • Proscia


  1. EchoMD
    • An AI-based tool that assists cardiologists by analyzing echocardiograms to diagnose heart conditions.
    • EchoMD
  2. Cardiologs
    • AI platform that analyzes ECG data to detect cardiac arrhythmias and other heart conditions.
    • Cardiologs


  1. IDx-DR
    • An AI diagnostic system that detects diabetic retinopathy in retinal images, providing results in real-time.
    • IDx-DR
  2. Google DeepMind’s AI for Eye Disease
    • Developed to diagnose a range of eye diseases from retinal scans with high accuracy, often comparable to leading experts.
    • DeepMind Health


  1. SkinVision
    • An AI app that helps users detect early signs of skin cancer by analyzing photos of their skin lesions.
    • SkinVision
  2. Dermatologist AI by SkinIO
    • Uses AI to analyze skin images for potential skin conditions, providing preliminary diagnostic insights.
    • SkinIO

General Diagnosis and Other Specialties

  1. IBM Watson Health
    • Provides AI tools for various medical applications, including oncology, genomics, and imaging, aiding in diagnosing and personalized treatment plans.
    • IBM Watson Health
  2. Buoy Health
    • An AI-powered symptom checker that provides users with a preliminary diagnosis and advice based on their reported symptoms.
    • Buoy Health
  3. Tempus
    • Uses AI to analyze clinical and molecular data to help diagnose cancer and other diseases, providing insights for personalized treatment.
    • Tempus
  4. Bay Labs (EchoGo)
    • Uses AI to automate the analysis of echocardiograms, assisting cardiologists in diagnosing heart diseases.
    • EchoGo

These AI tools are revolutionizing the medical field by providing faster, more accurate diagnoses, assisting healthcare professionals in making informed decisions, and ultimately improving patient outcomes.


3. AI Can Write Human-like Text

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has advanced to the point where AI can generate text that is indistinguishable from that written by humans. OpenAI’s GPT-3, for example, can produce essays, articles, and even poetry with coherence and creativity that often surprises readers.

  1. OpenAI’s GPT-3
    • Generates human-like text and can write essays, articles, stories, and even poetry.
    • GPT-3
  2. ShortlyAI
    • An AI writing assistant that helps users generate long-form content, including stories and articles.
    • ShortlyAI
  3. Sudowrite
    • An AI tool designed for creative writing, helping authors generate ideas, write prose, and overcome writer’s block.
    • Sudowrite
  4. Copy.ai
    • Uses AI to generate marketing copy, blog posts, and other written content.
    • Copy.ai

4. AI Is Transforming Customer Service

AI chatbots and virtual assistants are revolutionizing customer service by providing instant and efficient responses. Companies like Amazon and Google use AI to handle customer inquiries, resolve issues, and even predict customer needs, enhancing overall customer satisfaction and reducing operational costs.

Here is a list of AI tools and platforms specifically designed for creating and enhancing virtual assistants. These virtual assistants are used across various industries for customer service, personal assistance, business operations, and more.

General Virtual Assistants

  1. Google Assistant
    • A widely used AI assistant that integrates with Google services and smart home devices, providing functionalities like voice search, reminders, and control of smart home products.
    • Google Assistant
  2. Amazon Alexa
    • Amazon’s virtual assistant that powers the Echo devices, providing services like voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, and controlling smart home devices.
    • Amazon Alexa
  3. Apple Siri
    • The virtual assistant integrated into Apple devices, offering voice-activated control over apps, sending messages, setting reminders, and providing recommendations.
    • Apple Siri
  4. Microsoft Cortana
    • A virtual assistant developed by Microsoft that integrates with Windows 10 and other Microsoft products, assisting with scheduling, reminders, and answering queries.
    • Microsoft Cortana

Customer Service and Business Operations

  1. IBM Watson Assistant
    • An AI-powered virtual agent that helps businesses build conversational interfaces for customer support, providing capabilities like natural language understanding and integration with various channels.
    • IBM Watson Assistant
  2. Salesforce Einstein Bots
    • AI-powered bots that integrate with Salesforce CRM, designed to automate customer service tasks, answer common questions, and assist in sales processes.
    • Salesforce Einstein Bots
  3. Ada
    • An AI chatbot platform for automating customer service interactions, providing personalized responses, and integrating with various customer service tools.
    • Ada
  4. LivePerson
    • Provides AI-powered conversational chatbots for customer engagement, capable of understanding complex customer inquiries and delivering personalized experiences.
    • LivePerson

Personal and Productivity Assistants

  1. Cortical.io
    • Uses AI to create intelligent personal assistants capable of understanding and processing natural language to automate tasks like email management and scheduling.
    • Cortical.io
  2. x.ai
    • An AI-powered scheduling assistant that can manage your calendar, schedule meetings, and send reminders through natural language processing.
    • x.ai
  3. Replika
    • An AI chatbot designed to provide companionship and conversation, learning from interactions to offer increasingly personalized and engaging dialogues.
    • Replika

Specialized Virtual Assistants

  1. Mya
    • An AI recruiting assistant that automates parts of the hiring process, such as candidate sourcing, screening, and interview scheduling.
    • Mya
  2. Kasisto (KAI)
    • A conversational AI platform for the financial services industry, providing virtual assistants that help with banking, customer service, and financial advice.
    • Kasisto
  3. Nuance Nina
    • An AI virtual assistant for customer service that uses natural language understanding and conversational AI to handle inquiries and transactions in banking, telecommunications, and more.
    • Nuance Nina

Open-Source and Developer Tools

  1. Rasa
    • An open-source framework for building AI chatbots and virtual assistants, offering tools for natural language understanding and dialogue management.
    • Rasa
  2. Dialogflow
    • Google’s natural language understanding platform that allows developers to create conversational interfaces for apps, websites, and devices.
    • Dialogflow
  3. Botpress
    • An open-source conversational AI platform designed to build, deploy, and manage chatbots and virtual assistants with customizable modules.
    • Botpress

These AI tools and platforms are making it easier than ever to create and deploy virtual assistants that can handle a wide range of tasks, from personal productivity to customer service and beyond.

5. AI Is Used in Crime Prevention

Law enforcement agencies are leveraging AI to predict and prevent crimes. Predictive policing algorithms analyze data from various sources to forecast crime hotspots and identify potential offenders. While controversial, these systems have shown some success in reducing crime rates in certain areas.

6. AI Can Compose Music

AI is making waves in the music industry by composing original music pieces. AI programs like Amper Music and AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist) can create symphonies, pop songs, and more. These AI compositions are used in various contexts, from background music for videos to full-fledged movie scores.

  1. AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist)
    • An AI composer that creates music for soundtracks, games, and other media.
    • AIVA
  2. Amper Music
    • An AI music composition tool that allows users to create custom music tracks by setting parameters like mood and style.
    • Amper Music
  3. OpenAI’s MuseNet
    • A deep neural network capable of generating 4-minute musical compositions with 10 different instruments, and in a variety of styles.
    • MuseNet
  4. Jukedeck
    • Acquired by TikTok, this AI music composition tool creates music tracks based on user input for videos and other projects.
    • Jukedeck

7. AI Is Fueling Autonomous Vehicles

Self-driving cars are one of the most well-known applications of AI. Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and Uber are developing autonomous vehicles that use AI to navigate roads, avoid obstacles, and make real-time driving decisions. These vehicles have the potential to drastically reduce traffic accidents and transform transportation systems.

8. AI Can Predict Natural Disasters

AI systems are being developed to predict natural disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes. By analyzing seismic data and weather patterns, AI can provide early warnings, potentially saving thousands of lives. For instance, researchers have developed AI models that predict earthquake aftershocks with higher accuracy than traditional methods.

9. AI Is Enhancing Personalized Education

AI is revolutionizing education by providing personalized learning experiences. Adaptive learning platforms like DreamBox and Knewton use AI to analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses, tailoring lessons and exercises to individual needs. This personalized approach can significantly improve learning outcomes.

10. AI Has a Carbon Footprint

Training AI models, especially large ones like GPT-3, requires significant computational resources, leading to substantial energy consumption. The carbon footprint of training these models can be comparable to that of multiple cars over their lifetimes. This has raised concerns about the environmental impact of AI and has sparked efforts to develop more energy-efficient AI technologies.

Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly evolving field with profound implications for almost every aspect of life. These ten shocking facts highlight just a fraction of AI’s capabilities and potential. As AI continues to advance, it is essential to stay informed and consider both the opportunities and challenges it presents. Whether it’s creating art, diagnosing diseases, or composing music, AI is reshaping the world in ways that were once the realm of science fiction.

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